Oh, wouldn't it be splendid to live in a world where we could have the entire Internet in our pockets, as well as all the rollerskating dogs and seizure-inducing banner ads that come along with it? Adobe sure thinks so, as its Senior Director of Engineering, Paul Betlem, made another pass at practically begging Apple to come over to the dark side.

At the Flash on the Beach 08 conference in Brighton, UK, Betlem took another public shot at sinking Adobe's claws further into Apple's mobile OS. "My team is working on Flash on the iPhone," Betlem reminded attendees. He also restated that "it's a closed platform." Thanks, Captain Obvious.

Betlem told those listening that Apple makes all the decisions, but apparently didn't say much about whether any performance progress had been made since Steve Jobs slammed both Flash and Flash Lite at a shareholder's meeting in March. Jobs says Flash runs too slowly on the iPhone, and Flash Lite is simply "not capable of being used with the web."

These comments haven't deterred Adobe from pushing the matter, however, as it claimed back in June that it has a version of Flash running in Apple's iPhone Simulator. Adobe hasn't commented on how well that version runs, but if Flash's persistently dreadful performance on Mac OS X is any indication, my personal money is on a performance rating of "Martha, get mah shotgun." But hey, at least Adobe is ready with a proprietary Internet technology for a (admittedly proprietary) device that focuses on web standards.

The Flash on iPhone "thing" has been a constant thread since the original iPhone landed. At least, like, a hundred guys weren't able to use one to play that one awesome Flash gameAlbino Blacksheep. Talk picked up in recent months, however, after Microsoft announced that it licensed both Flash Lite and Reader LE for the Windows Mobile OS and all OEMs. Microsoft's Silverlight, it seems, remains to be the poor freshman who couldn't score a date for the prom.

Joking aside, we are, of course, aware of the fact that far more than 100 guys want Flash on the iPhone, and for a bit more than silly games. However, there is ultimately the matter of the iPhone SDK rules to contend with. Apple has yet to show a sliver of mercy in its ban of application runtime environments from the iPhone OS. If Apple conceded to a company even as large as Adobe, the company would have to open a virtual Pandora's box to other platforms that would undoubtedly vie for the same opportunity. Call us crazy, but at the very least, we figure Apple has plenty of other problems to deal with right now.

Air Jordan I Velcro Red

Jordan 1 Velcro Red
At the end of September, Nike will be releasing an exclusive style of the Air Jordan 1. Replacing the shoelaces with two velcro straps, this sneaker is inspired by the Chicago Bulls colorway. Although some people may have grown out of velcro in pre-school, the two straps bring something different to the sneaker world today. This is the first sneaker (White/Black-Varsity Red) JB will be releasing as part of its ‘velcro series’ with many more colorways releasing in the ensuing months. Officially, Air Jordan I Velcro Red will retail September 27th, 2008 for $100. Everybody will have a chance to stay strapped! Is JB wrong for going back in the past and pulling that good, old velcro out?

Much thanks to Millenium for the photos.

there goes the gold...

The U.S. men and women both dropped the baton in the Olympic 400-meter relays Thursday night and failed to advance out of the first round. First, men’s anchor Tyson Gay, part of the American team that won the relay at last year’s world championships, did not get the red metal stick from third-leg runner Darvis Patton. Then, about 25 minutes later, women’s anchor Lauryn Williams flubbed her exchange with Torri Edwards, their baton dropping to the ground, too.

nuff said.....

Twitter's popularity has soared recently, and, of course, this has caused spammers to flock to the service like right wing radio hosts to a fiery black preacher. Twitter has plenty of problems of its own with out having to worry about spammy posters ruining the party for everyone else.

One of the most common techniques used by spammers to rack up a significant number of followers -- folks who track a particular person's tweats -- is to follow as many people as possible. The idea is that the folks a spammer follows will return the favor and follow the spammer eventually, too. Twitter is combating this practice by limiting the number of people any one user can follow, and therefore limiting the amount of people the spammer can connect to.

The limits are different for each account and based upon the number of followers and other undisclosed criteria, but generally the limit seems to be in the 2,000 range. Some may complain about the restriction, but it seems perfectly reasonable to us -- there is no way you could possibly keep up with following 2,000 people and get anything useful out of it.

Bolt is something of a sprinting experiment, defying assumptions that tall men can't run the 100. Silver medalist Richard Thompson said Bolt shattered the stereotypes of sprinters as "short, strong and stocky." At 6-foot-5, 193 pounds, with rapid turnover and the ability to explode from the blocks, Bolt is the "beginning of something else again," Thompson said.

Such talk inevitably leads to speculation about doping. And there is a perception that Bolt came out of nowhere this season. That's not entirely true, or fair.

For years, the track world has expected much from Bolt, but his records were supposed to come in the 200 meters. He won the world junior championship in the event at 15 and a 2007 world championship silver medal. If anything, those who saw Bolt as a teenager wondered what took so long.

"He's been running very well since he was very young," Thompson said. "It was just a matter of time before he was running these times."

Bolt's countryman Asafa Powell, the former world-record holder who was supposed to challenge the phenom, finished fifth, another in a long line of disappointments at major meets. That didn't stop him from praising his teammate. "Usain is spectacular," Powell said. "You just have to look out for what's coming next for him."

Indeed, everybody in the stadium spent the evening speculating on how fast Bolt can go. Everyone except Bolt. "I don't know," he said.

He kept insisting he was only there to win, not to set a record.

After all, Bolt already owned the 100 record, running 9.72 in May against Gay in New York. In response, Gay put up his American record at the Olympic trials before injuring his hamstring in a 200 heat.

Gay said after the loss in May, he knew he'd need to run 9.6 to beat Bolt, and that he'd prepared himself mentally to do it at the trials. So Gay's absence in the final disappointed everybody, including Bolt.

"I've been telling Tyson all season that I wanted him to get better," Bolt said. "Because if you want to be the best, you've got to beat the best."

Now, there's no question who is the best.

"Toscanini said Marian Anderson's contralto voice comes along once a century," said Dr. Herb Elliott, a physician for the Jamaican Olympic team. "A guy like Usain Bolt comes along once a century."

Maybe Bolt's bib number, 2163, was a hint at how far into the future it will be before we see his like again. In any case, Jamaicans won't think about tomorrow for awhile. They'll just enjoy what one of their own did in the present.

"In Kingston," Elliott said, "business stopped today."

When the latest edition of the football video game franchise is released Tuesday, it will still feature the quarterback in his Green Bay Packers uniform -- despite the fact Favre was traded to the New York Jets.

But publisher Electronic Arts said it was releasing a downloadable update to make Favre a Jet in the game, as well as new cover art for anyone who wants it.

"We do not plan to reissue packaging but will offer a free downloadable cover in the coming days on easports.com featuring Brett Favre in a Jets uniform," EA Sports said in a statement released Thursday. "Fans can print this new cover out and insert it into the case of 'Madden NFL 09."'

EA Sports will release a free downloadable update to the game with the Favre character as a Jet -- and any other player who signs as a free agent or moves teams -- before the start of the regular season. But "Madden NFL 09" will be released Tuesday with the Favre character as a Packer on all-time greats team.

The Packers traded their three-time MVP and Super Bowl-winning quarterback to the Jets on Wednesday, ending months of speculation over Favre's future after he announced he was retiring in March. EA Sports originally unveiled Favre as the cover athlete for the 20th edition of the "Madden" game in April.

the $1000 iPhone app

Yesterday developer Armin Heinrich posted an iPhone app to the App Store called I Am Rich. The program displays a red gem, has no function but to display your wealth to others through ownership, and costs $1000. It has since been removed from the App Store, although no one knows whether Apple or Heinrich pulled it.

I Am Rich isn't the most clever piece of art, but it's not bad either. For some, the iPhone is already an obvious display of wealth and I Am Rich is commenting on that. Plus, buying more than you need as an indication of wealth is practically an American core value for a growing segment of the population. Is paying $5000 for a wristwatch or $50,000 for a car when much cheaper alternatives exist really all that different than paying $1000 for an iPhone app?

When news of the app got out onto the web, the outcry came swiftly. VentureBeat implored Apple to pull it from the App Store, as did several other humorless blogs. Blog commenters were even more harsh in their assessments. What I can't understand is: why should Apple pull I Am Rich from the App Store? They have to approve each app but presumably that's to guard against apps which crash iPhones, misrepresent their function, go against Apple's terms of service, or introduce malicious code to the iPhone.

Excluding I Am Rich would be excluding for taste...because some feel that it costs too much for what it does. (And this isn't the only example. There have been many cries of too many poor quality (but otherwise functional) apps in the store and that Apple should address the problem.) App Store shoppers should get to make the choice of whether or not to buy an iPhone app, not Apple, particularly since the App Store is the only way to legitimately purchase consumer iPhone apps. Imagine if Apple chose which music they stocked in the iTunes store based on the company's taste. No Kanye because Jay-Z is better. No Dylan because it's too whiney. Of course they don't do that; they stock a crapload of different music and let the buyer decide. We should deride Apple for that type of behavior, not cheering them on.

new project...

Here's the latest for FHG for the women's conference.

my overwhelming frustration with itunes continues once again this evening. for what is probably the 5th time in the past year i have had a corrupted library incident that has wiped out my itunes library completely. just opening itunes and seeing an empty song list where 12,000+ use to live is one of the most frustrating feelings I've experienced! all purchased tracks are backed up fine and my mp3 collection is housed fine as well. but the fact that i have to go out and re-subscribe to the 90+ podcast i had and recreate all the playlists i had just kills me! this wasn't so much a concern when i had my 80gb ipod *single tear rolls down face* that i used to back up all my music and podcast on. but since the 80gb is no longer around i've been relying on a sketchy 250gb SATA drive that flips out when it wants to. all i can do is turn off the computer in utter disgust hoping that maybe in a day or 2 i'll feel like rebuilding!

UPDATE: i've got morning after disgust! all of my podcast have been listened to and are outdated. just thinking about what i'll have to re-due, ouch!!

I was commissioned again to do the next book cover for Anitha Jones. I love these projects!!

It's been a long, leak-filled wait, but Apple finally took the wraps off its 3G iPhone. Thinner edges, full plastic back, flush headphone jack, and the iphone 2.0 firmware -- Apple's taking a lot of the criticisms to heart from the first time around. Obviously 3G is at the forefront, but they're also making sure it's available all over internationally, works with enterprises, runs 3rd party apps... and does it all for cheaper. Apple claims its 3G speeds trounce the competition, with pageloads 36% faster than the N95 and Treo 750 -- and of course it completely trounces the old EDGE data speeds.

Battery life isn't getting put out to pasture though, with 300 hours of standby, 8-10 hours of 2G talk, 5 hours of 3G talk, 7 hours of video and 24 hours of audio. GPS is also a go. Apple is using A-GPS, which supplements regular satellite GPS data with info from cellular towers for faster location. (WiFi data is also worked into the mix, which should give users a pretty solid lock on where the heck they are on this planet.) Unfortunately, as expected there's no front-facing cam, and while its edges are thinner than before it's still about a millimeter thicker at the center (12.3mm over 11.6mm before). Apple hopes to launch in 70 countries this year, with the black 8GB going for $199 and 16GB for $299 in black or white. (Both price points require a contract, of course.) Apple will be hitting the 22 biggest markets, including the US, on July 11th.

DreamWorks/Paramount has confirmed that the full title for Michael Bay’s sequel will be Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.

The movie began shooting on June 2nd in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. While details of the movie’s plot a closely-guarded secret, expect a key character from the first movie to make a dramatic comeback and attempt to settle a score.

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen is scheduled for a June 26, 2009 release.


so I'm a HUGH transformers fan, no denying that. but there's always been something about voltron that puts a smile on my face. i guess growing up, watching the tv series has rooted this in me but even as I've gotten older i look back and appreciate the old greats. There's M.A.S.K.,that had vehicles changing into other vehicles. Good ole He-Man, the little brother to transformers Go-Bots, and even G.I. Joe. These were all on heavy rotation with me!

I'm going through some boxes and i come across my 5 lion set of voltron figures. what ever else i was doing didn't matter. i began to "form feet and legs" and all the other things the toys would do. it was good times, all the stress of the week was for a moment suspended. My only request is that we leave voltron where he is, no need for a feature film remake!

scavenger hunt details...

here's the rules and list of items:

take pics and email them to me at phavor@gmail.com I'll keep score of who has what right here on this blog so you can check status at anytime. you don't need actual items, just take a pic on your phone and send. gas prices are no joke so i tried not to make us all drive around town, trying to keep things pretty local or on everyday routes. let me know works and doesn't. first to complete list will win, (@db_ will supply the prize! ;)

-pic of a NEW tube of toothpaste
-pic of someone walking a dog
-a pic of a receipt for 50 cents worth of gas (pic)
-a pic of an out-of-state license plate
-pic of a take-out menu (doesn't matter where)
-pic of newspaper clipping of a women's event
-a photo of an RTD schedule
-a photo of a business card (doesn't matter who what when where)
-photo of disposable coffee cup
-a pic of someone else playing, if you don't have a pic take one of their profile from twitter, myspace, etc... (includes @db_, @Aruiz14, @willbrawn, @phavor)


@Aruiz14 3/10

NEW tube of toothpaste
someone walking a dog
receipt for .50 gas
out-of-state license plate
take-out menu
newspaper clipping of a women's event
RTD schedule
business card
coffee cup
someone else

@db_ 5/10

NEW tube of toothpaste
someone walking a dog
receipt for .50 gas
out-of-state license plate
take-out menu
newspaper clipping of a women's event
RTD schedule
business card
coffee cup
someone else

@phavor 3/10

NEW tube of toothpaste
someone walking a dog
receipt for .50 gas
out-of-state license plate
take-out menu
newspaper clipping of a women's event
RTD schedule
business card
coffee cup
someone else

@willbrawn 0/10

NEW tube of toothpaste
someone walking a dog
receipt for .50 gas
out-of-state license plate
take-out menu
newspaper clipping of a women's event
RTD schedule
business card
coffee cup
someone else

It's been a busy stressful week. Actually it's been a stressful few weeks. Starting to think more and more about sitting up on a beach somewhere or even just getting out of cellular coverage might be good enough these days. Seems like project after project after work after project. Where are the days going?

In a post on another blog i spoke about the ease that it was getting an iphone swapped out. looks like i spoke too soon because i've had the worst experience in trying to replace another malfunctioning iphone.

2 weeks after getting a replacement unit form apple i had to return to the store to swap the phone back out, (the keyboard just stopped responding to touch). to compliment apple i had a new phone in my hands in a matter of minutes! but the process of transferring my att account on the back-end has been a nightmare. after 3 hours in the store with the genius, i left with my account still not activated on my phone. the following day i am able to "reactivate" this new phone thru itunes but i notice that my minutes plan and messaging plan have both been downgraded. so the battle continues with the att tech support to restore my phone and settings to the way it was just 24hrs ago. ARGH!!!

iPaul 101.....

Its still me folks, same kid from the other blog. Just holding down this personal space for the rants and raves you grown to love. Only difference is you'll get more personal love and info through this channel. Keep an eye out for both spaces as the team and I will continue to try and hold on to what interest we managed to sneak out of you.

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